Tahir Shah
Tahir Shah is a prolific best-selling author and film-maker. His thirty-year career has produced more
than forty highly acclaimed works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as numerous documentaries and
screenplays, and a massive body of journalism, scholarly articles, and photography.
Styling himself as an ‘Enthusiast and Adventurer’ Tahir has spent his professional life searching for
the hidden underbelly of lands through which he travels. In doing so he often uncovers layers of life
that most other writers hardly even realise exist.
With a world-wide following, Tahir’s work has been translated into more than thirty languages, in
hundreds of editions. His documentaries have been screened on National Geographic TV, The History
Channel, Channel 4, and in cinemas the world over.
The son of the writer and thinker Idries Shah, Tahir was born into a prominent Anglo-Afghan family, and
seeks to bridge East with West through his work.
Passionate about the changing face of publishing, he established his own media business, Secretum Mundi
Ltd., which represents all his projects. For Tahir there’s almost nothing as important as keeping
control of his work, and producing a body of material that enthuses him rather than what publishers
think they can sell.